
Seeds are such an amazing addition to one’s diet. They add texture and flavor yes but they do so much more!

Let’s begin with pumpkin seeds. First they are an amazing source of zinc. Many people don’t realize that zinc is necessary for healthy sperm. So if you’re a family hoping to conceive then pumpkin seeds need a place in your diet! Zinc is also a major contributor to good sleep as they are tryptophan rich. In addition, they contain phosphorous, copper, manganese, Vitamin K and selenium. They are very high in MAGNESIUM which assist in getting healthy bowel movements. They are antioxidant rich which helps reduce inflammation. They are also fiber rich (back to those bowel movements). They have been shown to improve prostate and bladder health, heart health and lower blood sugar levels.

Make a pesto and add a few spoons to your meals daily.

Sunflower seeds are another addition to lots of my meals. Like all seeds they can simply be sprinkled on salads. They are great for reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes. They are high in Vitamin E (an antioxidant) and selenium, both antioxidants.

Hemp seeds are one of my favorite seeds to use! I am especially fond of them in smoothies for the blood stabilizing effect and the fats help with satiety. I positively love, love, love hemp seed dressing (recipe in my book). They make everything creamier too. They are full of omega 3 and 6, Vitamin E and several minerals. They are known to reduce heart disease, improve the quality of your skin (who doesn’t want that?), reduce pms and menopause symptoms and contain both soluble and insoluble fiber(if you eat the shell) to help keep your bowel moving.

Flaxseeds, if you’ve read my book then you know flax seeds are the magic ingredient to really assist in obtaining proper bowel movements as they are fiber rich! In addition, toxins, excess hormones, heavy metals all bind to them to be excreted via the large intestine. They are high in good fats, minerals and thiamine (b vitamin) which plays a key role in energy metabolism. They can help stabilize blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

I prefer golden flaxseeds over the darker variety for their taste profile. Also, it is important to grind your flaxseeds to improve your ability to digest them. If you purchase them pre ground please refrigerate or freeze them so they do not oxidize.

Now if you have an estrogen dominant cancer, are pregnant or breastfeeding then I would not recommend flaxseed due to their estrogen mimicking properties.

These are my “go to” seeds. You will see they often feature highly in my recipes. I absolutely love the crab cakes with flax instead of eggs (watch the recipe section for it to appear).